20 Types of Ghosts from Around the World (2025)

Most people think of ghosts as pale, sheet-clad figures that glide eerily through the halls of abandoned mansions or along foggy country roads. But the truth is, ghosts take many different forms. Depending on the culture, a ghost can be anything from a Helpful Haunt to a malevolent spirit.

Here are 20 different types of ghosts from around the world:

  1. The Baobhan Sith
20 Types of Ghosts from Around the World (2)

2. The Banshee

20 Types of Ghosts from Around the World (3)

3. The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall

4. The Cinnamon Girl

5. The Dionne Quintuplets

6. The Drake

7. The Formorians

8. The Ghost of Christmas Past

9. The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come

10. The Ghosts of the Confederate Soldiers

11. The Headless Horseman

12. The Hessian Soldier

13. The Jabberwock

14. The Lady in White

15. The Lighthouse Ghost

16. The Phantom of the Opera

17. The Ringwraiths

18. The Sandman

19. The Wendigo

20. The White Lady

1- Various types of ghosts from around the world
2- What they look like
3- What they do
4- Why they exist
5- What they want
6- How to get rid of them
7- What to do if you see one

1- Various types of ghosts from around the world
Ghosts are often seen as pale, translucent figures, but they can take on many different forms. Some believe that there are as many types of ghosts as there are cultures, and each one has its own unique history and legend. Here are just a few of the different kinds of ghosts that are said to exist around the world.

1. The Airbnb Ghost

This type of ghost is said to haunt Airbnb rental properties. The stories usually involve guests arriving to find that the rental is not as advertised, or that it’s haunted by a previous tenant who died in the unit. These stories have become so common that there’s even a website dedicated to documenting them.

2. The Andersen Poltergeist

Thisghost is said to haunt the Royal Danish Theatre in Copenhagen. It’s named after the theatre’s founding director, Hans Christian Andersen, and is said to be the spirit of a singer who died onstage during a performance of his opera, The Tinderbox. The ghost is said to haunt the theatre to this day, and women who have performed the role of the singer have reported feeling a cold presence onstage.

3. The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall

The Brown Lady is one of the most famous ghosts in British history. She’s said to haunt Raynham Hall in Norfolk, England, and is said to be the spirit of Lady Dorothy Walpole. She’s often described as being dressed in brown, hence her name, and has been seen by many people over the years, including members of the Royal Family.

4. The Cardiff Giant

This ghost is said to haunt a very specific place: the grave of the Cardiff Giant in Syracuse, New York. The Cardiff Giant was a hoax that was created in the 19th century, but it’s said that the spirit of the man who created it, George Hull, still haunts the grave. Hull was a man who was known for his pranks, and it’s said that even in death, he can’t resist playing one last trick on the unsuspecting.

5. The Cecil Hotel Ghost

The Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles has a long history of being haunted, and it’s said that a number of ghosts haunt the property. The most famous is the spirit of Elisa Lam, a Canadian student who died under mysterious circumstances in 2013. Her ghost is said to haunt the hotel’s elevator, and her story has been turned into a Netflix documentary.

6. The Chan Ghost

This ghost is said to haunt the Chungking Mansions in Hong Kong. The Chan ghost is said to be the spirit of a man who died in the building, and it’s said that he’s often seen wandering the halls and stairwells. He’s often described as being a “tall, thin, Asian man”, and

2- What they look like
Ghosts come in all shapes and sizes. They can be traced back to every corner of the globe, and each culture has their own unique take on what these spirits look like. Here are just a few of the different types of ghosts that can be found around the world:

In Asia, the Jiangshi is a type of ghost that is said to haunt the mainland. These ghosts are often depicted as hopping vampires, and they are said to wear ancient Chinese clothing. They are often seen as malevolent beings, and are said to kill the living in order to absorb their life force.

TheIncubusandSuccubusareghoststhatare saidtohauntpeople in their sleep. These ghosts are said to seduce their victims, and then drain them of their life force. They are often said to be very attractive, and can take on any form that they please.

The Banshee is a type of ghost that is said to haunt Ireland. These ghosts are said to be the spirits of women who have died prematurely, and they are said to wail and cry when someone is about to die. Banshees are often said to be very beautiful, but they can also be very frightening.

The Brownies are Scottish ghosts that are said to haunt homes and businesses. These creatures are said to be helpful, and will do chores and errands for the people that they haunt. However, they can also be mischievous, and are said to play tricks on people.

The Doppelganger is a German ghost that is said to be the spirit of a person’s double. These ghosts are said to be an omen of death, and are often said to be very pale and cold.

The Wendigo is a type of ghost that is said to haunt the forests of North America. These ghosts are said to be the spirits of people who have been driven to cannibalism, and they are said to be very large and very strong. Wendigoes are said to be very dangerous, and are often said to be covered in blood.

The Boogeyman is a type of ghost that is said to haunt children. These ghosts are said to be very dark and very scary, and are said to hide in closets and under beds. Boogeymen are said to be able to take on any form, and are often said to be very difficult to get rid of.

The Churchill Ghost is a Canadian ghost that is said to haunt the streets of Ottawa. This ghost is said to be the spirit of Sir Winston Churchill, and is said to be very large and very hairy. The Churchill Ghost is said to be very friendly, and is often seen smoking a cigar.

The Headless Horseman is a type of ghost that is said to haunt the United States. These ghosts are said to be the spirits of people who have been killed in wars, and they are said to ride around on horseback

3- What they do
Ghosts are often thought of as haunting houses or cemeteries, but there are many different types of ghosts from all around the world. Here are three of the most common types of ghosts and what they are said to do.

One of the most common types of ghosts is the poltergeist. Poltergeists are said to cause disturbances, such as making noise, moving objects, and even causing physical harm to people. They are often associated with a person, usually a teenager, and are said to be attracted to places with a lot of emotional turmoil.

Another common type of ghost is the Specter. Specters are ghosts that are often seen as dark, shadowy figures. They are said to be the souls of people who died suddenly or tragically, and are often seen near the place of their death. They are not usually considered to be harmful, but can be very frightening.

The third type of ghost is the revenant. Revenants are the ghosts of people who were wronged in life, and are said to come back to haunt the people who wronged them. They are often very angry and can be very dangerous. Revenants are said to be able to possess people and animals, and can sometimes even kill people.

4- Why they exist
There are a few theories as to why ghosts exist. The first is that they are trapped souls. Something happened to them in their life that didn’t allow them to move on to the afterlife. This could be something like unresolved issues, trauma, or murder. Another theory is that they are projections of our own fears or feelings. This is especially true in the case of hauntings, where the ghost is tied to a specific place or person. The third theory is that they are spirits of the dead that come back to visit the living. This is usually done out of love or concern, but sometimes they may have unresolved issues that they need to deal with. Lastly, some people believe that ghosts are just figments of our imagination, or products of our overactive brain.

There is no one answer as to why ghosts exist. It could be any or all of the above theories. It’s up to each individual to decide what they believe.

5- What they want
When it comes to ghosts, there are generally two schools of thought. Some believe that they are nothing more than energy imprints left behind after a traumatic event. Others believe that they are the spirits of the dead, stuck between this world and the next. Whatever you believe, there are certainly some interesting stories out there about different types of ghosts from around the world.

In Ireland, there is a type of ghost called a banshee. These are ghostly women who are said to wail before the death of a family member. Banshees are often described as having long, flowing hair and wearing white or grey clothes.

Another interesting ghost is the poltergeist. These are perhaps the most well-known type of ghost, thanks in part to movies like “The Poltergeist”. Poltergeists are known for causing havoc by moving objects, making noise, and even throwing things. It is said that they are usually attracted to homes with a lot of negative energy.

If you’re looking for something a bit more romantic, you might be interested in the story of the brown lady of Raynham Hall. This is a ghostly apparition said to haunt a stately home in England. The brown lady is said to be the ghost of Lady Dorothy Townshend, who died in 1726. According to legend, she haunts the hall because she was never able to reconcile with her husband after an affair.

Another famous ghost is the headless horseman. This is a popular figure in folklore, and there are many stories about him from around the world. The most famous story is probably “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”, in which the horseman is said to be the ghost of a Hessian soldier who was killed during the Revolutionary War.

Finally, we have the black dog. This is a type of ghost that is said to haunt many different places around the world. Black dogs are often associated with death, and they are said to be an omen of bad things to come.

So, what do ghosts want? That is a question that has puzzled people for centuries. Some say that they are looking for revenge, while others believe that they are simply trying to communicate with the living. Whatever the case may be, there are certainly some interesting stories out there about different types of ghosts from around the world.

6- How to get rid of them
The first step in getting rid of a ghost is to establish why the ghost is haunting you. If you have offended the ghost in some way, you will need to apologize and make amends. If the ghost is haunting you because of unresolved business, you will need to help the ghost finish its business. The best way to do this is to ask the ghost what it needs to do in order to move on. Once you know what the ghost needs, you can help it to complete its task and send it on its way.

If you are being haunted by a restless spirit, there are a few things you can do to help it find peace. One is to hold a seance and try to contact the spirit. Often, simply speaking to the ghost and letting it know that you are willing to help will be enough to allow the ghost to move on. You can also try using a Ouija board to communicate with the ghost and find out what it wants.

If the ghost is haunting you because it is attached to an object, the best way to get rid of it is to destroy the object. This will release the ghost from its earthly bonds and allow it to move on. If you are not able to destroy the object, you can try to bury it or hide it away so the ghost cannot find it.

There are also a few things you can do to protect yourself from ghosts. One is to carry a protective amulet with you at all times. This can be anything from a crucifix to a lucky charm. You can also try to ward off ghosts by sprinkling salt around your home or drawing a pentagram on your doorstep.

If you are being haunted by a ghost, there are a few things you can do to get rid of it. Establish why the ghost is haunting you and Apologize or make amends if necessary. Help the ghost to finish its business by asking what it needs to do to move on. Hold a seance or use a Ouija board to communicate with the ghost. Destroy the object the ghost is attached to, if possible. If not, bury it or hide it away. Carry a protective amulet with you or sprinkle salt around your home.

7- What to do if you see one
If you’re unfortunate enough to come face-to-face with a ghost, there are a few things you can do to try and get rid of it. Obviously, this depends on what type of ghost you’re dealing with.

If it’s a poltergeist, the best thing to do is try and reason with it. They’re often the result of a person’s repressed anger or frustration, so talking to it calmly and rationally might be enough to convince it to move on. If that doesn’t work, you can try cleansing the area with sage or salt.

If the ghost is more malevolent, your best bet is probably to try and exorcise it. This is best done by a professional, but there are some things you can do yourself. Start by blessing the area with holy water, and then try reciting bible verses or other religious texts. You can also try using salt or iron, which are both considered to be protective against evil spirits.

If all else fails, you can always try running away and hope that it doesn’t follow you.

20 Types of Ghosts from Around the World (2025)
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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.